Serves4 Prep TimeUnder 30 Total Time60

Ingredients Print this recipe
- 1 pound frozen bread dough, thawed
- 1/4 cup frozen spinach, thawed and squeezed dry
- 1/4 pound DI LUSSO® Provolone Cheese, sliced
- 1/2 pound DI LUSSO® Sun-Dried Tomato Turkey, sliced
- 1 large egg, beaten
Heat oven to 375°F.
Divide dough evenly into 4 pieces. On floured surface, roll each dough piece into 6-inch round, about 1/4 inch thick. Spread each round with spinach, cheese and turkey.
Starting at one end, roll each dough into long cylinder; pinch dough to seal bottom and ends. Cover with plastic wrap; let rise at room temperature 20 minutes.
Brush tops of dough with egg; cut 3 (1/2-inch) slits in top of each. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown. Cool 10 to 15 minutes before serving.